Monday 14 July 2014


After an accident

After an accident,

Driver said angrily:
I showed you the Headlights to say that I will go 1st.

I also started the Wipers to say, "No, No, No..   


Sardarji in IAS Entrance

Brilliant Answers by sardarji in IAS entrance...

Q- In which battle did Tipu Sultan die?
A- His last battle !

Q- How do u stop acid indigestion?
A- Stop drinking acid !

Q- Where was the declaration of independence signed?
A- At the bottom of the page !

Q- What's the main reason for Divorce?
A- Marriage!

Q- Ganga flows in which state?
A- Liquid state !

Q- When was Mahatma Gandhi born?
A- On his birthday !

Q- How will u distribute 8 mangoes amongst 6 people?
A- By preparing mango shak     


Many Characters but No Story

Sardar returns book to library, bangs it on table & says - What a shit ?"
Read the whole book, too many character, no story at all"?
Librarian : So, you are the one who took the Telephone Direct        


Fastest Thing In The World

Four guys, from Harvard, Yale, MIT and SANTA SINGH from Punjab University were to be interviewed for a prestigious job. One common question was asked to all 4 of them.


YALE guy: Its light, Nothing can travel faster than light

HARVARD Guy : It's the Thought; b'cos thought is so fast it comes instantly in Your mind.

MIT guy : Its Blink, you can blink and its hard to realize you blinked.

SANTA SINGH : Its Loose motion.

INTERVIEWER : (Shocked to hear Santa's reply, asked) "WHY"?

SANTA SINGH: Last night after dinner, I was lying in my bed and I got the worst stomach cramps, and before I could THINK, BLINK or TURN ON THE LIGHTS, it was over!!!!   


Sardars Doing Business

4 sardar started petrol pump
No customer came to their petrol pump
Because Petrol pump was on the 2nd floor,
Then all 4 of them started Restaurant on the same floor
Still no customer come over there,
Because they did not remove petrol pump board from there
then they bought 1 taxi,
still they did not get any customer to ride in taxi,
Because 2 sardar was seating on front seat and 2 sardar was seating on the back seat and searching for customer.
Now suddenly taxi got stuck on the road and not starting at all,
Then all four of them came out and pushing the taxi, still taxi was not moving at all
because 2 of then pushing form back and other 2 were pushing form front.

Sardar Rocks :-)


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