Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Homeo Remedy!!!

Salt, Sodium Chloride, commun salt, NaCl
one of main sources that we eat used as
condiment or food preservative.
Tincture made of rock or sea salt, dissolved in
water or grounded with milk sugar, a chronic
deep remedy prescribed for symptoms
of illness that has developed over a period of time
and not acute conditions.
A DEEP ACTING REMEDY, with a central mental-emotional background,
Its main characteristic INTROVERSION ARISING
OUT of a FEELING of great VULNERABILITY TO EMOTIONAL INJURY. Very sensitive to their own
or others people pain. In their mind, feel rejected, ridicule, humiliated or
grief are not personally tolerable so they create
a wall of invulnerability
because they avoid being hurt at all cost.
Very responsible, with a high degree of objectivity
and awareness, they
are strong and enjoy being challenged or take risk. Inwardly, expect H
and demand emotional contact and enjoy receiving affection but they do not express affection easily.< CONSOLATION
ADOLESENTS, avoid dating for fear to be rejected..
their moods swing from unreasonable depression to unreasonable exhilaration.
Have intense emotional and sentimental attachments for people but they do not show their feelings, but when emotionally breaks down becomes hysterical, sobbing with massive shaking of the body, spasms and twitching last short time and quickly regains control.
Physically may present gastritis,, arthritis, migraine canker sores, herpes of lower lip after a period of introversion following a severe grief of humiliation
alternately the patient becomes hysterically reactive to the environment oversensitive to noise, to f. light, cigarette smoke, and will present neurological disorders like neuralgia affecting eye left or intercostal nerve having stitching pains.
Good in Multiple Sclerosis when the totality of symptoms fit.
Heat disease can occur as arrhythmia and palpitations which arise from the nervous system of the heart.
As emotional vulnerability increases becomes depressed, inconsolable, and become suicidal > music or < music, Claustrophobia, becomes rigid of the emotional and mental planes, the patient develops, fixed ideas, looked in
terms of god or bad, right or wrong, correct or incorrect, practical or impractical.
Great emaciation, losing flesh while living well, throat and neck of children emaciate rapidly during summer complaint
tongue mapped, with red insular patches, like ringworm on sides
worse on the sun,
involuntary urine while laughing, walking, coughing,
Bad effects of anger, caused by offence, acid food, bread, quinine, excessive use of salts, cauterization of all kinds with silver nitrate, of grief, fright, vexation, mortification or reserved displeasure.
Hangnails, skin around the nails dry and cracked, herpes about
anus and borders of hair at nape of neck
warts on palms of hands, dreams of robbers at night.
KEY NOTES:FEAR OF microbial contamination will bring to hypocondriacal anxiety
INABILITY to pass urine or stool in the presence of others, and this arises from the feeling of ridicule, resulting in a Chronic tension of sphincter
muscles that will relax only in private
Hates fish, likes salt, very proper persons, with high standards, do not tolerate, hot weather...
Its acute remedy is IGNATIA... well before and after Apis
agg. 10-11am at seashore or from sea air, heat or sun or stove, mental exertion, talking, writing, reading lying down:
Amelioration, in open air, cold bathing, going without regular meals, lying on rightsize or painful side.
Beatriz H Hill Medicina Homeopática Behhill

Salt, Sodium Chloride, commun salt, NaCl
one of main sources that we eat used as 
condiment or food preservative.
Tincture made of rock or sea salt, dissolved in 
water or grounded with milk sugar, a chronic 
deep remedy prescribed for symptoms 
of illness that has developed over a period of time 
and not acute conditions.
A DEEP ACTING REMEDY, with a central mental-emotional background,
Its main characteristic INTROVERSION ARISING 
OUT of a FEELING of great VULNERABILITY TO EMOTIONAL INJURY. Very sensitive to their own
or others people pain. In their mind, feel rejected, ridicule, humiliated or
grief are not personally tolerable so they create 
a wall of invulnerability
because they avoid being hurt at all cost.
Very responsible, with a high degree of objectivity 
and awareness, they
are strong and enjoy being challenged or take risk. Inwardly, expect H
and demand emotional contact and enjoy receiving affection but they do not express affection easily.< CONSOLATION
ADOLESENTS, avoid dating for fear to be rejected..
their moods swing from unreasonable depression to unreasonable exhilaration.
Have intense emotional and sentimental attachments for people but they do not show their feelings, but when emotionally breaks down becomes hysterical, sobbing with massive shaking of the body, spasms and twitching last short time and quickly regains control.
Physically may present gastritis,, arthritis, migraine canker sores, herpes of lower lip after a period of introversion following a severe grief of humiliation
alternately the patient becomes hysterically reactive to the environment oversensitive to noise, to f. light, cigarette smoke, and will present neurological disorders like neuralgia affecting eye left or intercostal nerve having stitching pains.
Good in Multiple Sclerosis when the totality of symptoms fit.
Heat disease can occur as arrhythmia and palpitations which arise from the nervous system of the heart.
As emotional vulnerability increases becomes depressed, inconsolable, and become suicidal > music or < music, Claustrophobia, becomes rigid of the emotional and mental planes, the patient develops, fixed ideas, looked in
terms of god or bad, right or wrong, correct or incorrect, practical or  impractical. 
Great emaciation, losing flesh while living well, throat and neck of children emaciate rapidly during summer complaint
tongue mapped, with red insular patches, like ringworm on sides
worse on the sun,
involuntary urine while laughing, walking, coughing,
Bad effects of anger, caused by offence, acid food, bread, quinine, excessive use of salts, cauterization of all kinds with silver nitrate, of grief, fright, vexation, mortification or reserved displeasure.
Hangnails, skin around the nails dry and cracked, herpes about
anus and borders of hair at nape of neck
warts on palms of hands, dreams of robbers at night.
KEY NOTES:FEAR OF microbial contamination will bring to hypocondriacal anxiety
INABILITY to pass urine or stool in the presence of others, and this arises from the feeling of ridicule, resulting in a Chronic tension of sphincter
muscles that will relax only in private
Hates fish, likes salt, very proper persons, with high standards, do not tolerate, hot weather...
Its acute remedy is IGNATIA... well before and after Apis
agg. 10-11am at seashore or from sea air, heat or sun or stove,  mental exertion, talking, writing, reading lying down:
Amelioration, in open air, cold bathing, going without regular meals, lying on rightsize or painful side.
Beatriz H Hill Medicina Homeopática Behhill

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