Tuesday 9 July 2013

Homeopathy and Toothache!!! பல்வலிக்கு ஹோமியோபதி

Homeopathy is a wonderful support if you have toothache or need to get dental work done. A very dear friend of mine is headed to the dentist today and so I thought I would share with you the advice I sent to him.
While you are waiting to get an appointment, homeopathic remedies can help with pain relief.
  • sudden shooting nerve pain, extreme sensitivity to heat and cold, Hypericum 30c /200c
  • shooting pains, better for pressure and warmth, Mag phos 30c/ 6x
  • for sudden toothaches, anxiety, after exposure to cold or wind, Aconite 30c/200c
  • for throbbing pain with heat and redness, Belladonna 30c/200c
  • for severe pain of abscess with chills, Hepar Sulph 30c /200c
  • for maddening toothache with irritability, Chamomilla 30c/200c
  • for teething pains,babies, children,adults (wisdom teeth),  Chamomilla 30c/200c
Before you go to dentist take Arnica 30c or 200c  it helps your body deal with the physical trauma.
After you have dental treatment:
  • continue to take Arnica 30c/200c as a pain killer as and when needed
  • fever/sore throat after dental work on amalgam fillings, Merc viv 30c/200c
  • feeling upset or violated after dental work, Staphisagria 30c/200c
Other thoughts on dental work
Never have mercury (amalgam) fillings they are highly toxic.
If you are having mercury removed make sure your dentist takes the maximum precautions to protect you. This PDF on the safe removal of amalgams will tell you more.
Your constitutional homeopathic remedy may stop working after you have dental work done. If you notice a change in your health for the worse contact your homeopath to see if you should repeat your remedy.

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