Friday, 8 August 2014

Homeopathy Tips!!!

Borland D.M. Children's Types Nervy types group V.
Magnesium Carbonicum
Magnesia Carv. and Cina are the two most commonly
indicated drugs for diarrheic attacks
this kids are sensitive, nervy type, their most outstanding
feature is their lack of stamina, with poor muscular power
and the Mag. C child has soft flabby muscles and physical
exertion tires him out.
the older child at school gets mentally tired out and comes
home with severe neuralgic headache, violent in any part
of the head, sleeplessness, better if the child is moving out.
Mag. c. children always have definite likes and dislike in food.
Craves meat, or any meaty taste food. COMPLETE AVERSION
to vegetables, IN TOLERANCE TO MILK, they get sour
vomiting, and pasty, pale, undigested stools, usually white
soft and puttylike. If the child develops acute enteritis, they
tend to bronchitis or definite broncho-pneumonia with stringy
sputa, which is very difficult to expel.
Dry skin children almost scaly, coppery colored, scaly
eruption of the scalp almost as if it had been painted on to the
scalp. These children are sensitive to cold, better in open
air, and usually aggravated by changes of weather.
Beatriz H Hill, Medicina Homeopática Behhill

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