Emotional trauma can be the consequence from sudden events leaving lasting distress or fear.
Ignatia: This remedy is very, very good when a person’s acute response to grief is to weep.
Nat mur: When the person’s response to grief is irritable outbursts over small things, this could be a good remedy.
Phosphoric Acid: People who need Phosphoric Acid are often exhausted and debilitated within their mind and body since a traumatic event.
Arnica– is a remedy indicated where the loss was perceived as a blow. Often this is a financial trauma from loss of a job or investment crash. In this case one would feel hurt, bruised, and tender and not want to engage the hard world
Magnesium Muriaticum– This remedy can be indicated after the loss of a care giver where one feels abandoned and forsaken, left on her own, not able to fend for herself. This may be accompanied by digestive ailments.
Aconite Napellus– This is one of the common medicines that are used for the treatment of fear. This medicine is basically for people who are always anxious, fearful, and in a state of anguish.
Nuv Vomica– suited to individuals who are fault finding, irritable, quarrelsome. Oversensitive to noise, odors, light, touch.
Lycopodium– is indicated when issues like- self-esteem and self-confidence are affected. A person may be bossy, dominating to those who know him best, like family, yet act meek and fearful in public. Has fear of public speaking and even the inability to stand up for oneself in a conflict. Aversion to undertake anything new, aversion to company yet dreads solitude.
Staphysagria- Sensitive to scolding, insults. Suppression of anger, emotions; become speechless in arguments; sympathetic. Suited to individuals who do not allow themselves to express their emotions. His body may tremble in anger. Especially indicated when physical complaints appear after suppression of emotions and suppressed anger.
Lachesis– indicated for individuals who areloquacious- constantly changing from one subject to another, tendency to jealousy, suspicious. Religious mania, fear of being poisoned. Great weakness mentally and physically yet no relief from lying down. Suited when causative factors for complaints are- disappointed love, egotism, anger, ailments from discord with parents, suppressed discharges, bad effects of tobacco.
Anacardium- suited to individuals who are irritable, irresolute, easily angered, lack confidence. Suspicious, irresistible desire to swear and curse; malicious, destructive, offended easily. Laughs at serious matters and become serious about laughable matters. Aversion to work. Forgetful- forgets names of near ones. The characteristics seen in this remedy are- shrieking and cursing when in rage, violent anger, abusive behavior towards partner and children, revengeful.
Stramonium: People have been a victim or threatened with violence or robbery and have been traumatised afterwards.
Staphysagria: Deep anger and indignation after a hurtful act that violates ones boundaries.
Pulsatilla: Here is a remedy that is brilliant when children suffer the feeling of abandonment. Their anxiety can show as becoming clingy and tearful easily.
Arsenicum: This remedy is for people who are extremely anxious and often restless. The clear indicators when needing this remedy are waking between midnight and 2 am.
Flower Essences: Having a personal blend of flower essences made up can also support an individual through times of grief and trauma.
Arrogance: Low self-esteem is usually behind the haughtiness and arrogance of an individual. The person overcompensates for feeling so unworthy. Platina metallicum is a prominent remedy used for this state of mind.
Fastidiousness: There are certain degrees of perfectionism. Arsenicum album, Ignatia, Nux vomica and Thuya are some of the homeopathic remedies used to rebalance an overly meticulous personality.
Repetitive Thoughts: When people feel threatened, they can have thoughts that they don’t desire enter their minds. Lachesis is one remedy which can help people come to terms with the issues at hand. It also helps to dissipate any anger, irritability or frustration that goes along with the thoughts.
Grief and Depression: Ignatia is used for recent bereavement. The person feels nervous and can’t stop shaking.
Death of loved one: Natrum muriaticum is commonly used for depression and is especially helpful when the death of a loved one has occurred in the past.
Lack of Self-Confidence: Staphasagria is for the person whose poor self-image derives from a past hurt that is followed by suppressed anger.
Shame and guilt: Thuya is for the reserved, secretive person whose low self-esteem is rooted in feelings of shame and guilt.
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