Saturday, 31 May 2014

Homeopathy Tips!!!

For all accident in which any type of shock occur
Arnica 200 Arnica 200 (5 drops daily)

For any type of vomiting which cannot controlled
Ipecac 30 Ipecac 30 (5 drops 3 times daily)

For used as baby tonic specially during teething period
Chamomilla 30 Chamomilla 30 (5 drops 3 times daily)

For throat disease such as Tonsilitis, Pharangitis
Belladonna   30 Belladonna 30 (5 drops 3 times daily)

For sudden and severe pain at any site of body
Aconitum 30 Aconitum 30 (5drops 3 times daily)

For Toothache and pain of wisdom teeth
Chamomilla 30 Chamomilla 30 and mag phos 30 (5 drops 3 times daily ) PlantGO Q (For External Use)

For Sleeplessness
Passiflora Q Passiflora Q (10 drops in small quantity of water)

For constipation,  headache, for those persons who perform only sitting work
Nux Vomica 30 Nux Vomica 30 (5 drops 3 times daily )

For morning sickness
Ipecac 30 Ipecac 30 (5 drops 3 times daily)

For amenorhoea
Pulsatilla   200 Pulsatilla 200 (5 drops 3 times daily)

For abdomen worms
Cina 30 Cina 30 (5 drops 3 times daily)

For wounds
Calendula 30 Calendula 30 (5 drops 3 times daily ) Calendula Ointment (For External Use)

For failure in love and business and any shock
Ignatia 200 Ignatia 200 (5 drops daily)

For weak memory , tension , anxiety, depression , headache
Kali Phos 200 Kali Phos 200 (5 drops daily)

For warts
Thuja 200 Thuja 200 (5 drops daily)

For burns and relieve the raw burning pain and promotes healing
Cantharis 200 Cantharis 200 (5 drops daily)

For headache of young girls
Natrum Mur 6x Natrum Mur 6x (3 tab 4 times daily)

For use in any disease of eyes such as inflammation , infection, redness, swelling, etc
Euphrasia eye drops Euphrasia eye drops

For any insect bite
Apis   Mellifica 30 Apis Mellifica 30 (5 drops 3 times daily)

For ear vacks
Mulleion Oil Ear drops Mulleion Oil Ear drops

Medicine Of The Day

Latin Name:
Euphrasia Officinalis

Common Name:

Used for common cold, eye injuries, inflammation of mucous membranes, hayfever, night sweats, watery discharges from nose or eyes. It is also used for intense headaches, constipation, measles, short painful menstruation, in women, inflammation of the prostate gland, in men (Lockie 97, Jonas 258).

Health Tip of the Day

Yoga is science which gives you complete control over the mind and body. It immunizes your body against the devastating effects of the elements of aging.

Health Quote of the Day

Hee that goes to bed thirsty riseth healthy."
- George Herbert

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